Saturday, February 25, 2006

High School Comics

Originally uploaded by thechickenpirate.

While I was attending high school I was asked to draw some comics for the school newspaper. I drew 12 proofs for the first comic that was put in the paper. I showed the proofs to the editor she chose a couple and I redid them and they were then put into the paper. I will put all 12 on my flickr site, but I will choose some of my favorite to put up here.

Pokemon was at its heyday at the time, so I decided to play on popular culture at the time. Yeah, I know that it seems dumb now! There were kids at my high school who would have said that they were above, and yet they still liked it. I was not as much into the drawing back then. I put more effort into the wit. I think that I liked the contrast of bad drawing with the off the wall humor. Maybe I just say that because I can't draw.

1 comment:

H. A. Weaselton said...

I was looking at the comic a little more closely. I had a good laugh that the guy on his right has his arms up in both frames. You would think he would get tired after a week.