Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Editorial Cartooning

Originally uploaded by thechickenpirate.

This comic was most definitely not accepted by the school newspaper. The first reason is because my school had a zero tolerance policy toward drugs and alcohol. Until I drew this comic, I did not know that zero tolerance meant no talking or joking about it either. Go figure!
The other reason that this comic was unacceptable for print was because two of the football players had been recently caught drunk doing something stupid. Thus, my making fun of the folly of my fellow students was not a good thing.
I really didn't care that this didn't get published. When I drew it I knew that it would not make the cut. However, thinking back on the situation, I think that the school administration did the school a disservice by sweeping the whole issue under the rug. Their silence on the issue amounted to acceptance. I know other students picked up on that and reacted accordingly.

By the way, all twelve originals are on my flickr site. If you would like, you may now peruse them at your leisure.

1 comment:

Mr. H. said...

Originality galore!